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The second best ice cream in the world according to Forbes magazine Russia. We’re skeptical: who exactly is the first??
Probably one of the last artisan ice cream parlors left standing, Hanna Mitri is an Ashrafieh institution. Established in 1949, this place has grown to acquire an international reputation- it was mentioned in the Guardian, the New York Times and Le Figaro to name but a few- and yet has somehow managed to retain its below-the-radar appeal. Although officially dubbed Halawiyat el Salam, the inconspicuous one-room shop goes by a multitude of names: Hanna Mitri, Bouza Mitri and others. Many names but one identity: mouthwatering handmade ice cream. A family affair down to the core, the business was taken over by late Hanna Mitri’s son Mitri Moussa. What makes this ice cream so much better than the rest? It could be the lack of coloring, powders and artificial flavors. It could be the exclusive use of fresh seasonal ingredients. It could be the exquisite freshness of the fruits oozing from every bite- all the ice cream is made one day prior to sale- It could be the experimental flavors impossible to find anywhere else. Our take on the secret ingredient? The love that goes into making Hanna Mitri ice cream. This is a labor of love if ever there was one. So much so that Mr Moussa may decline selling his “babies” to those customers deemed unworthy. Those such as yours-truly, who plan on consuming their lot an hour after strolling in the sun, for example.
“This will ruin the flavor”.
Of course.
Those who stupidly ask for flavors that don’t mix well together.
“May I suggest Strawberry and Rose Water instead Madam?”
Of course.
The attachment this artisan feels towards his craft and creations can only inspire an intriguing mix of deference, awe and respect. It is no surprise to us that Hanna Mitri ice cream has developed a cult following. Whatever you call it, the legend lives on: 65 years of ice-cream making and counting. What is it they say? Practice makes perfect?
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