Choose your favourite officially registered Charity in Lebanon.

Please consider donating to a charity that resonates with you. Below you will find a list of the most popular and honest charities in Lebanon.

If you have a suggestion for another charity please use the contact page


7 out of 246 votes - 2.85% of the loot.

The Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) is a humanitarian organization established on July 9, 1945 as an independent national society. In 1946, it was recognized by the State as a public non profit organization and as an auxiliary team to the medical service Lebanese Army. In 1947, the Lebanese Red Cross joined the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement -which has today affiliates in 175 countries- and became a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ever since. Further more, it is a founding member of the Secretariat General of the Organization of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Societies.

Tel: 01 372802- 3- 4- 5
Address: Spears Street - Kantari, Beirut, Lebanon


1 out of 246 votes - 0.41% of the loot.

A non-profit organization (# 1596) established by a group of Lebanese businessmen to eliminate hunger in all Lebanon by establishing partnerships and cooperation with all those who are concerned.

Tel: +961 3 714 401
Address: Sin el Fil, Habtoor Roundabout, Rizkallah & Boutros Center, 6th Floor


Impact Lebanon is a non-profit organisation that brings the community together to pursue initiatives that deliver impact for Lebanon. Our process is to encourage the brainstorming of ideas; promote the sharing of knowledge, resources and expertise; and build strong teams to turn an idea into a successful initiative.



Our Mission is to ensure a sense of dignity to hard-working citizens once they retire, by assisting them in their struggle with the increasing cost of living. In a spirit of respect and support, we aim to provide a tailor-made accurate and beneficial response to Lebanon’s economic and multi-dimensional challenges that are depriving many retired citizens of their most basic needs and rights.

Tel: +961 81 055 694
Address: Karm El Zeitoun, Sheikh El Ghabi Street.
Beirut, Lebanon


3 out of 246 votes - 1.22% of the loot.

Beyond is a Leading non-governmental organization aiming at promoting social, economical, cultural, educational, and environmental and health issues among different categories in the community (children, youth, women…) especially with the underprivileged groups. The activities of the organization concentrate mainly upon increasing the level of awareness on social issues, enhancing women’s rights, leadership participation, and economic empowerment, civil and humanitarian rights. Through collaboration with national and international NGO’s we strive at executing programs that expose different groups to different cultures.

Tel: 01 1883112
Address: Beirut, Jdeideh, Facing CITY MALL, Bank MED bldg, 6th floor, Beirut, Lebanon


Save the Children has been working in Lebanon since 1953 and transitioned to Save the Children International in 2012. For more than six decades, Save the Children has used rights-based approaches to increase access for children, adolescents and youths to quality education, and to strengthen child participation and protection at the family, school and community levels. Save the Children supports families to meet their basic needs, including adequate shelter, and facilitates market driven livelihoods opportunities for youth and caregivers. Save the Children empowers civil society in Lebanon in times of peace and conflict to respond to the needs of all children.

Tel: +961 (1) 614680/1/2/4/5/6/9
Address: Beirut, Ashrafieh, Sodeco Square, Block B, First Floor


Nusaned is a humanitarian, community-based and volunteer organization. We believe that the power to create change comes from working collaboratively. Nusaned does not engage in any political activity, and remains at equal distance from all religions. We support communities based on a non-biased, egalitarian and value-based needs assessment process.

Tel: 0096176727273
Address: Verdun, Beirut, Lebanon
Concorde Center, 4th floor


9 out of 246 votes - 3.66% of the loot.

Caritas Lebanon strives to reduce poverty and exclusion. Its social, medical, economic development and emergency programs benefit the most marginalized individuals and communities. Caritas Lebanon is a member of Caritas Internationalis, which was founded in Rome in 1950 and is one of the largest humanitarian networks in the world, counting 162 Catholic organizations working in 200 different countries and territories. Our work covers most areas of Lebanon and benefits people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. We focus our efforts on needy people: marginalized rural communities, farmers, special needs children, foreign workers, refugees, the elderly, youth, the sick, the poor, and people in emergency situations.

Tel: 01 499767
Address: Dr. Youssef Hajjar Street, Sinn Al Fil, Mont-Liban, Lebanon P.O.Box: 165274 Achrafieh Beirut 1100 2030


Offrejoie is an apolitical and non-confessional Lebanese NGO founded in 1985. It brings together volunteers from all faiths and all Lebanon, as well as friends of Lebanon around the world, who advocate and act for a plural Lebanon, free and fair. Since 2012, it is also located in Iraq and there is the same desire to promote unity and solidarity across social and religious barriers. Offrejoie volunteers uphold and are role models for the values of Love, Forgiveness and Respect

Tel: +961 3 628 000


13 out of 246 votes - 5.28% of the loot.

Because “no child should die in the dawn of life,” the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, USA opened its doors in 1962, making Danny Thomas’s dream come true. Danny’s wish was to open a similar institute in his home country; thus in 2002, the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) was inaugurated with a mission to save children’s lives. CCCL Mission is to provide access to free treatment and care to all children with cancer in Lebanon and the region, without any discrimination

Tel: 01 351515 01 366052
Address: American University of Beirut, Medical Center (AUBMC) Building 56 Clémenceau Street, Beirut, Lebanon P.O. Box 113-5067


arcenciel is a Lebanese based non-profit organization established in 1985 during the Lebanese civil war. It was recognized as a public interest NGO in 1995 by Presidential Decree N7541. With five core programs, being implemented at 12 centers across Lebanon, arcenciel’s main goal is to work with every person in need. arcenciel aims to vigorously advance national policies in all the sectors in which it is active, while keeping a non-confessional and apolitical stance.

Tel: 9611 495561 ext.5
Address: Jisr el Bacha Center
John Kennedy St, Jisr el Bacha,Sin el Fil, PO.BOX 16.5216


Since 1976, SESOBEL has taken all possible steps to implement a coherent and monitored service of assisting children with disability and to accompany their families as partners in facing life’s challenges. SESOBEL has worked equally hard with all elements of the society to recognize the value, dignity, and respect for children with disability.

Tel: +961 9 235 435
Address: street 11, main road Ain El Rihani
Aïntoûra, Lebanon


96 out of 246 votes - 39.02% of the loot.

BETA is the first animal shelter in Lebanon to rescue dogs, cats and wildlife who are in life-threatening danger. Charity # 205/AD. Our mission is to ensure that one day all the animals in Lebanon will get the chance to live the life they deserve because it is their planet too... Through education and direct action, BETA rescues stray and abused animals, while combating abusive pet shops and the illegal trade in wildlife.

Tel: 70 248765
Address: Mar Takla, Hazmieh, Beirut, Lebanon


BASSMA's mission is to empower the most disadvantaged populations through the:

1- Rehabilitation of destitute families through:

  • Fighting hunger
  • Strengthening education
  • Providing proper healthcare services
  • Building decent housing
  • Expanding employment opportunities
  • Developing families' marketable skills and leveraging their capabilities
  • Creating safe environment for all family members
  • Improving living standards
  • Promoting Self-responsibility and Independence
  • Social Assistance for the Elderly
  • Protecting and saving abused women and children

2- Social Assistance and accompaniment of elderly.

3- Protection and Social Reintegration of abused children, women and elderly.

4- Poverty Awareness among youth, local communities and different stakeholders on socio-economic issues and their repercussions on society, through Civic Engagement and Community Service projects.

Tel: +961 01 393077
Address: Badaro, main street, Bldg. next to Brax gas station, 2nd floor, Beirut, Lebanon.


2 out of 246 votes - 0.81% of the loot.

Heartbeat is an NGO whose mission is to treat children suffering from heart disease with funding coming from musical performances. MUSIC SAVES LIVES. For the past years, Heartbeat dinners and concerts were held at the Casino du Liban, with around 5,000 attendees every year. Each event is a big success artistically and is highly praised by press critics. Thanks to those events, the association was able to treat so far more than 2,000 children, with more than 275 treated in 2014 alone. Treating children with congenital heart disease. Heartbeat makes sure that children have access to adequate medical treatment, and high quality cardiac surgery.

Tel: 01 615 300 ext. 9750


(CHildren AgaiNst CancEr) is a Lebanese Association whose mission is to help Lebanese children with Cancer or Blood Disorders receive the best chance for cure and acceptation of their disease. Children with cancer have very high cure rates so financial difficulties should never be an obstacle to successful treatment because every child should have the right to be treated and cured. Unavailability of medication and difficult access to adequate medical care will compromise children’s chance to be cured. CHANCE Association (CHildren AgaiNst CancEr) is registered since 2005 as an official non-profit organization (License Number 52/AD) that supports the treatment of children suffering from cancer (by funding their chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, etc…) mainly at St George, Hotel Dieu, Rizk, Abou-Jaoudeh and Ste Thérèse Hospitals, and many others, and promotes cancer prevention and cancer control in Lebanon, in addition to organizing activities and outings for the children, to help them accept their disease. CHANCE has also been approved since 2006 as the first Lebanese association to be a member of ICCCPO, the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organizations, representing Lebanon. CHANCE relies entirely on volunteer work and donations. It was started in 2002 by doctors, parents and volunteers so that EVERY child in Lebanon can receive the best CHANCE to be saved.

Tel: M +961 70 812 259 | +961 3 681 309


1 out of 246 votes - 0.41% of the loot.

OBBA is a Lebanese environmental, non-governmental organization that seeks to protect, analyze, and monitor the coastal and marine environment against misuse or degradation and actively working on resolving the issues. Since inception in 1997, OBBA has developed a series of programs that improve the odds of environmental challenges through simple programs such as beach cleaning, delegate programs such as turtle well-being/fertilization monitoring, large-scale mindset programs such as ecological and environmental awareness campaigns, and sophisticated self-sustaining programs such as public beach management.

Tel: 01- 742700 / 01-751760
Address: Al Zarif - Toufic Tabbarah Center - 4th floor, Beirut, Lebanon


1 out of 246 votes - 0.41% of the loot.

SOS Children’s Villages is a non-governmental non-profit social development network active in 133 countries around the globe. The organization works in the spirit of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It has carried forth the philosophy of the founder, Dr. Hermann Gmeiner, by continuing to provide expertise in childcare, with an increased focus on supporting communities and preventing family breakdown. Support from SOS Children’s Villages Lebanon means that a child can experience a loving home in their biological families or in an SOS family in one of the four SOS Children’s Villages in Lebanon. From the very beginning, the organization has believed that each child has the right to a family and to the best possible care according to his or her situation. SOS Children’s Villages Lebanon’s focus is on the best interest of the child.

Tel: 01 499 808
Address: Monseigneur Chebli Ave. SOS building


Based in Beirut, we at LCPS have established ourselves as a respectable voice that contributes to the national and regional debates on issues pertaining to transparency and accountable governance. Established in 1989, LCPS operates as an independently managed, politically neutral, non-profit, and non-governmental think tank with extensive experience in research, advocacy, and training. Over the years, we have initiated many advocacy initiatives for judicial reforms, transparent budget process, decentralization and local governance, and the enhancement of the role of business associations in policy making.

Tel: 01 799301
Address: Sadat Tower Tenth floor P.O.Box 55-215 Leon Street Ras Beirut


UNDP has been operational in Lebanon for nearly five decades, since 1960. Its presence in the country has been continuous in the best of times and in the worst of times, in times of war and peace. The period immediately following the Lebanese Civil War which had raged since 1975 until 1990 and which was superimposed by further invasions and military occupation, was a period of transition for the country as well as for UNDP. As an organization, we have had to continually evolve in orientation and coverage to help in the identification of national needs and priorities in an often rapidly changing development and security setting in order to support the achievement of long-term development objectives. UNDP strives to reflect the ability and resilience of the Lebanese to adapt to continuing development challenges.

Tel: 01 962500
Address: Arab African International Bank Bldg, Riad El Solh Street, Nejmeh, Beirut 2011 5211 Lebanon P.O.Box: 11-3216, beirut, Lebanon

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