Fred Bistro
55m - Located in chic Sursock neighborhood, this casual off-shoot of fine-dining...
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A performance for all ages at Sursock Museum
The first fable may have even been modelled from clay. The central element will be clay in layered sheets, in piles, in blocks, in bas-relief, modelled live, and so on, giving life to figures and spaces. It is from and through this raw material that the two interpreters (Eric Deniaud and Aurelien Zouki) will build the genealogy of fables and their origins. Drawing inspiration from the exhibition Les Mondes de Willy Aractingi, the piece combines live sculpture and drawing, movement, object manipulation, and sound creation.
This performance is programmed in conjunction with the exhibition "Les Mondes de Willy Aractingi"
The development of Origins of a Tale was supported by the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon and the French Institute in Lebanon, and has received grants from Focus Liban (French Institute– Zoukak Company) and from Masrah al Madina – 20th anniversary grant.
Collectif Kahraba is a performing arts company comprised of artists and technicians from different backgrounds, who believe that art is a trajectory towards openness and dialogue. Since 2007, Collectif Kahraba has presented ten different performances that brought together various disciplines, including, theatre, puppetry, shadow theatre, and contemporary dance. The collective has also initiated a multidisciplinary, free festival, “Nehna wel Amar wel Jiran,” which held its fourth edition in 2015, bringing together more than 40 artists and over 5000 spectators. Collectif Kahraba are also at the helm of the Hammana Artist House, a new art residency space located in the village of Hammana.
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