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Hala Nahas and Amar Sarakbi - SOBEIRUT
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Hala Nahas and Amar Sarakbi

Hala Nahas and Amar Sarakbi’s worlds collided in 2004, at the beginning of their careers in Montréal. Their shared passion for modern design brought SIN to life ten years later, naturally combining Hala's architecture skill set with Amar's expertise in the business of luxury.

SIN sarakbi nahas aims to infuse true artistic expression into the ultimate fashion accent: the scarf. The SIN scarf adds a unique touch and a sense of individual style to the basics in both his and her wardrobes.

Inspired by modern shapes and lineations, SIN scarves feature striking designs and color contrasts making each piece its own, bold statement, while opulent Italian fabrics provide a sinful touch of luxurious decadence.


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